
Maiden America Handmade Just For You logo - Aliza WisemanIn 2003, Aliza Wiseman was a work-from-home mom with three young daughters. Growing increasingly concerned for what she saw as age-inappropriate fashions being marketed to little girls, she sought to inspire parents to challenge this growing trend by establishing Maiden America, Handmade Just For You.

Maiden America nonslip hair clips for dogsIn 2009, the company, along with countless businesses across the United States, was subjected to draconian legislation that, by the admission of those who implemented it, turned out to be a national disaster. Without getting into the details, the business evolved toward new markets in order not to be swept away, along with so many jobs and small businesses across the country.

Fuzzy Roses x3 by Aliza WisemanSince its inception, Maiden America has undergone changes but the mission and values behind the products we sell remain the same. In time, the new website (that was also hacked) will be developed, to include new and exciting lines heirloom quality products, all handmade in America!